PDF not downloaded on ScienceDirect
Hi! I am not sure when this started, but I can no longer download the pdf together with the reference. I checked the option in Preferences, and it is OK. I read a closed thread about it and it states that I can try to disable the proxy. How do I do that?
Yes, I can access the PDF. I started downloading the pdf manually every time and attaching it to the reference in Zotero, but it makes no sense to do that if it is something easy to fix. I also have the latest Zotero version.
There, I get two options: Save to Mendeley and Save to Refworks.
What works : it fills title, short title, year, volume...
What fails : it does not fills author name (most annoying) and does not download the PDF
Debug ID : 1667023883
example paper (subscription needed I guess, but I do not think that I need a proxy and I can download the file manually) - many other papers if not all are also concerned : https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1361920916304539