Style Request: [Economic Geology]

Here is a link to the journal:

Recently Published Journal:

Online ISSN 1554-0774
Print ISSN 0361-0128

In-text citation:
(Campbell and Pedersen, 2007)
(Mares, 2001)


Campbell, J.L., and Pederson, O.K., 2007, The varieties of capitalism and hybrid success: Comparative Political Studies, v. 40, p. 307-332.

Mares, I., 2001, Firms and the welfare state:When, why, and how does social policy matter to employers? in P.A. Hall and D. Soskice, ed. Varieties of capitalism. The institutional foundations of comparative advantage: New York, Oxford University Press, p. 184-213.
  • edited February 13, 2018
    Thanks, that's logged and we'll look at it over the coming weeks. (you could've just used the other thread you had opened)
  • edited February 24, 2018
    Hi @speight185

    Style is now on the repo:
  • edited November 9, 2018
    I downloaded the extension recently, but I came across an error in citation where Li et al., 2017 is cited as Li and others, 2017 in the text. Would you please fix it.

  • Thanks. Just fixed it, the updated style will show up on within 30mins and auto-update for everyone within 24hs.
  • Thanks, I did download it twice since then, but it still has the same issue. I even uninstalled and installed the Economic Geology style, but experiencing the same issue. Would you please check again.

  • Sorry, for some reason "and others" was in the code four times and I only got half of them the first time. This is now actually fixed once the style udpates on
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