University of Birmingham - Harvard style

this style doesn't appear to be correct with the standard of the uni. I.e. titles are in bold rather than italics. How is this fixed?
  • I've created an issue on the github of the author of the style (
  • Are there any other errors in the style?
  • I’ve only just started using zotero and Harvard. I will have a look a bit more tmw night. From memory all titles were coming up in bold.
  • I've made some changes and created a pull request. I spotted a few other issues, but haven't done a thorough trawl through the revised guide. I'm no longer at UoB so don't really have the incentive I'm afraid. If you come across specific issues by all means raise an issue at and if I have time I'll try and look. This is what I spotted:

    Changes title from bold to italic (glad to see this change to the style guide - I always hated the bold titles)
    Use DOIs where available
    Available at (not from)
    Use 'Downloaded' for books
    Remove [online] flag
    Add full stop after reference
  • Thanks!! Appreciate your help!
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