
I have a tag/colour assigned to 1-5. Keys 2-5 work fine, but 1 doesn't. And... before you ask... they works fine otherwise!

It's intermittent, sometimes works, sometimes doesn't. No output in the debug window.

(Latest zotero+zutilo+zotfile, Mac OS 10.6)
  • If you can submit an Error Report ID (from the Help menu) and also a Debug Log ID (different, also in the Help menu) for an attempt to use the 1 key that fails, that would be helpful.
  • Error ID 11188746 (but no error recorded).

    The debug log doesn't show anything else, and thus cannot be submitted.

  • To be clear, you are enabling logging, typing 1, then disabling/submitting the log and seeing that nothing was recorded?
  • That's right. So I first get the system setup ("version => ..."), but the diagnostic output is zero. Here's a dfferent example, just to show I have logging enabled. I select one item, then press 1, then select another item.

    ...Viewing item in pane 0
    ...Refreshing item box
    ...Viewing item in pane 0
    ...Refreshing item box

    There's no output corresponding to pressing key 1. If I press key 2, then there's lots of output.

    I guess it must be my setup somehow... maybe the key is trapped at the OS level somehow? Or trapped by either Zutilo or Zotfile?
  • To check the last option, if you disable Zotfile and Zutilo, does it work?
  • I disabled all plugins, restarted - but didn't change anything.
  • On this: I noticed that the behaviour was specific to the (group) library. So I removed the shortcut/colour and re-added it. It now works. I think I tried this before, and it didn't make a difference. This time I also changed the colour, and also there were other shortcuts/coloured enabled, which "moved up to 1" and then "were pushed back to 2". In any case, that seems to have fixed it.
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