What happen to items when storage is full ?
This question is not answered in the FAQ of storage and subscriptions. So, can someone tell me what happen when I will reach my storage limit ? Do oldest items are deleted or the sync fails ?
When you hit your storage limit, item metadata will continue to sync for all items, but new attachment files will stop being uploaded. If you don't want to sync files, you can disable file syncing in the Sync pane of Zotero preferences.
Thank you for your quick answer @bwiernik :)
When Zotero stops syncing files - what kind of files would that be? Is it only pdfs or does it also include snapshots of webpages etc.?
The item metadata that syncs for free includes (1) the content in the item fields (title, authors, date, etc.), (2) notes, (3) the full-text index, and (4) attached links.