PDF not attaching automatically: NASA ADS, Astrophysical Journal


Automatic PDF attach works for me for ArXiv, but not for these sites:


Astrophysics Journal

I'm using:
Zotero 3.03, Firefox 11.0, Ubuntu 11.10

I tried a few things but no luck:
- disabled all Firefox extensions
- switched off proxy redirection

Other system settings:
- I have "Automatically attach PDF..." ticked in preferences.
- I'm using a custom data directory location and dont use Zotero sync.
- All translators up-to-date.

I know I can manually attach the PDF's but any pointers to get automatic attach working would be great.
Many thanks Enda
  • Update - Two workarounds:

    Click on ArXiv link for paper, then use Zotero - PDF will automatically attach.

    Astrophysical Journal:
    Save to Zotero using "Embedded Metadata" option - PDF will automatically attach.
  • I have a fix for the Astrohysical Journal - the problem there was simply that the IOP translator didn't recognize the site because of the X in the ID - once that's up (which will probably happen later today) it will work fine.

    NASA ADS will take more work - the translator currently doesn't even try to get the PDF and fixing that will require rewriting it at several locations. I have created a ticket here: https://github.com/zotero/translators/issues/278
    Note that the NASA ADS translator gets different - I'd say better - citation data than arXiV, so it's probably a better idea to use that translator and then manually attach the pdf fulltext.
  • Thanks very much for info and quick update. Will keep an eye on the ticket and use new NASA ADS translator when it's available.
  • fix for IOP is up - update immediately from the general tab of the Zotero preferences or wait 24hs for Zotero to update automatically.
  • Cheers - IOP translator attaching PDF's for most journals I tried.

    It still doesn't auto attach PDF's for this particular journal issue: e.g.

    maybe that's because of the "X" in the url/article ID. No worries though because save using "Embedded Metadata" works.
  • have you updated your translators? This should work and does for me.
  • Thats strange - just won't attach PDF for me.

    I updated translators from "Preferences - General" and checked:
    Institute of Physics.js

    It looks ok - "lastUpdated" is today:

    "translatorID": "9346ddef-126b-47ec-afef-8809ed1972ab",
    "translatorType": 4,
    "label": "Institute of Physics",
    "creator": "Michael Berkowitz and Avram Lyon",
    "target": "^https?://iopscience\\.iop\\.org/(?:[0-9-X]+/.+|search.+)",
    "minVersion": "2.1",
    "maxVersion": null,
    "priority": 99,
    "inRepository": true,
    "browserSupport": "gcs",
    "lastUpdated": "2012-04-04 03:15:00"
  • ah yes, I see what's going on - I'll put a fix up later.
  • IOP should now really work when you update again - the translator will generally get you better results than embedded metadata (and will work for search results).
  • Many thanks for IOP patch - PDF is auto attaching now.
  • PDF download for NASA ADS should now work - translators update automatically every 24hs, or you can update immediately from the general tab of the Zotero preferences.
    Any problems post here
  • This feature seems to work a lot of the time, but also seems to fail fairly frequently. Here are a couple examples:

    For the first one:
    I click the "Save to Zotero" icon in Chrome, it gets the metadata but not the PDF. Then I click "Electronic Refereed Journal Article (HTML)", "Save to Zotero", and I do get the PDF (and of course a duplicate entry in Zotero). Interestingly if I return to the original ADS page and try to import again, I get a third entry, but this time it does import the PDF!

    For this one:
    again importing directly from ADS doesn't get the PDF and importing from the Journal's webpage does. This time though, going back to ADS and trying a third import does not magically get the PDF. One other issue is that Zotero does not flag the version from MNRAS and the version from ADS as duplicates, presumably because of very minor differences in the metadata.

    Since it's not too strenuous to follow the link to the journal, I guess this isn't a big deal. It would be nice though if importing worked for these papers from ADS directly (maybe it could grab the arXiv version if it can't get the refereed version), and/or if Zotero recognized the ADS and MNRAS entries as duplicates.

    Overall though, the functionality of this part of Zotero is far superior to the other options out there as far as I can tell, so thanks for this feature.
  • Thanks for letting us know.
    There is not much we can do about the PDF import from the journal site via ADS (the reason this never works for the MNRAS article is that the pdf link is to a pdf+html display on the MNRAS webpage, which the journal translator deals with, but ADS can't). My suspicion would be that this works better on Firefox than on Chrome, but in general this will always be shaky.
    We might be able to try the arXiv version, though, but I won't try to get to that anytime soon.

    There are some improvements on duplicate detection in the next version of Zotero, see if that catches the duplicate item.
  • Thanks for the speedy reply. It does seem like the MNRAS importing works better in Firefox, at least on the few I've tried so far. The first article though still does something very similar to what happened in chrome - doesn't import on ADS, imports on HTML, then imports successfully if I go back to ADS.

    So, this is even less of a big deal than yesterday. Thanks!
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