New citations no longer insert fields in Word 2016
I went back to edit a paper after not using Zotero for a few weeks, and noticed that citations weren't being modified properly. New citations were being added as plain text rather than linked fields. After restarting my computer I tested with a new/blank Word doc, with the same results. No field, just the text. I can add a bibliography, but again, no field codes.
On a Mac with Zotero 5.0.30, Word 2016 16.8. Not sure what versions were when it last worked. The buttons in my "Zotero" ribbon tab have changed - there used to be separate ones for Add and Edit, and now it's just a single button.
On a Mac with Zotero 5.0.30, Word 2016 16.8. Not sure what versions were when it last worked. The buttons in my "Zotero" ribbon tab have changed - there used to be separate ones for Add and Edit, and now it's just a single button.
adamsmithHow are you telling that it's just inserting plain text? The grey field shading that you presumably used to see is simply a Word setting. If you can insert a citation in a new document, and insert bibliography creates a bibliography with that citation, Zotero is inserting fields.
schivlgI can right-click on existing fields and see options to update field or toggle fields codes. No such options for any citations I insert now. And if I try to edit a citation, it inserts a new citation in the middle of the text, giving me something like: (Schi(Schivley et al 2015)vley et al 2015).
adamsmithWe've never seen this -- fields get lost on save, but citations don't just insert without fields -- but we _have_ seen a ton of problems with the Insider Fast edition of Word for Mac (which is effectively a beta), so I'd try to go back to the regular release track, i.e. 15.40
schivlgI'm on insider slow, but will try a reinstall. Thanks for the response!
bwiernikedited December 5, 2017Yes, this is broken in Insider Slow on Mac. (This is version we had previously seen lots of issues from on Insider Fast.)
schivlgConfirmed that downgrading to 15.40 fixed this.