Lost Field Codes
Everytime I insert a reference page, all I get it the text and I don't get the field code associated with the references. So, they don't auto update. Neither are they applying the right MS Word Style sheet. ~Help
jamescriceI am using MS Office 365 and Zotero 5.0.29
jamescriceI was having the same problem with the citations when the author name had an international character (like a umlout over an o). This used to work. But, now I have to remove the international characters from the library for the short code to stay associated with the reference.
adamsmithCould you describe your exact workflow? How are you inserting references and how can you tell that you're not getting field codes?
bwiernikWhat specific numeric version of Word? The current Office Insider Slow build on Word has problems with Zotero’s field codes.