Cannot download edited style in using Safari

Hi, cannot download edited style in using Safari. The download button seems unresponsive. Please figure this out. Thanks!
  • What exactly do you mean “the button seems unresponsive”? What happens when you click it? Are you running any sort of ad blocker or script blocker in Safari?
  • When i edited the style and saved it, then i clicked "download" with out any download. I have not any ad blocker or script blocker installed.
  • @bwiernik is this working for you on Safari?
  • Download button works for me on Safari, Firefox, and Chrome on macOS 10.13.1. Style goes straight to the Downloads folder without a prompt.

    @bbbear2002, what version of Safari are you using (I assume for macOS as well)?
  • @Rintze Thank you for your test. I'm using Safari 11.0.1 (13604.3.5). Can you download the style after edit? I can download the style without edit as well.
  • edited November 28, 2017
    Ah, right. I'm seeing that as well. The easiest fix is switching browsers, at least for now.

    (I won't be troubleshooting this, but if anybody's taking a look: we're using the latest version of FileSaver.js)
  • @Rintze Now i only have Safari, and maybe Flash Player is needed to download the edited style.
  • The Editor no longer uses Flash, so that wouldn’t be the issue.

    For now, my recommendation would be to install and use Firefox. In my experience the new version of Firefox is much faster than Safari, and the Zotero Firefox connector has additional features that aren’t possible with Safari.
  • @bwiernik Thank you for your information. Since Safari is the default web browser of macOS, is there any solution for it? Thanks.
  • Okay, I'm not actually able to replicate this myself using Safari. I'm running Safari 11.0.2 (13604., and edited styles download fine for me. So, I imagine this will be fixed the next time you update Safari, probably when you update your OS to High Sierra 10.13.2 (it is likely a bug in Safari's implementation of javascript).

    You can try to clear your cache in Safari and see if that fixes it. Otherwise, I'd recommend switching to Firefox for using the Visual Editor until you can update Safari.
  • After system restart the problem seems resolved. Many thanks @bwiernik @adamsmith @Rintze
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