Bug report 5.0.28

If this is the wrong place for potential bug reports please let me know.

Using Libreoffice, on ubuntu 17.10 with Zotero 5.0.28

Prefix Bug: tags not working.

<i>Ancient Society</i> by
Does not render italics: 'Ancient Society by'
Not 'Ancient Society by'

<b> does not work.

Used in thesis for initial reference.
  • Where exactly are you typing the HTML tags?
  • Thanks bweiernik

    I am typing them into the "Prefix" textbox in the "Add/Edit Citation panel" (classic style)
  • Does it work if you use the default "Quick Citation" dialog (with the red border)?
  • Just tried "Quick citation" still the same problem.

    Have also reinstalled the LibreOffice connector and rebooted the computer several times. No luck.

    There could be something wrong on my side or it might be as bug. It happened after an auto-update. Were there two within a a few days of each other, or no more than two weeks apart? I was surprised to see the auto-update.

  • What citation style are you using? And does the problem persist if you install the Propachi plugin?
  • bwiernik many thanks'

    I found a problem.

    I had a CSL "World Politics" which I had modified into "World Politics - no url", somehow it switched to the original. I switched it back and it behavioured.

    1) that the process had checked the CSL and saw my modification was not kosher. --- not a problem.

    2) I did not know and could not guess that the CSL would effect what was Zotero function perhaps it is something that might be explained in the manual if not already there.

    Thank you for your time sorry for my stupidity.

    When I get through this thesis mania, I will sit down and get 'Propachi plugin' and property work through CSLs.


  • edited November 25, 2017
    When you modify a CSL style, you need to change the style title and ID at the top of the style file code, or else your changes will be overwritten the next time the official style is updated. It has nothing to do with the style change being valid or not.

    A guide to editing CSL styles here:

    In your case, don’t worry about Propachi. That was just a troubleshooting step here.

  • bwiernik, thanks for everything, it was your suggestions that got me to look more carefully at the CSL settings.

    Sorry to be a bother.

  • No problem at all! Glad to help.
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