Citation question

Harvard Dublin City style requires that to avoid confusion if the author is the same and same year of publication you have to add leters "a", "b" so forth...

So you could have (Mullins 2006a) and another in text citation (Mullins 2006b).

1) how do you add the letter to citation
2) will it be added in the Biblio?
  • Zotero should just do this. Are you saying it's not working?
  • I am probably using it wrong but. I cited the same author and same book twice, but it made only one bibliography entry and didn't discern with letters.
  • If it’s the same reference just cited twice, then you expect it to only have one Bibliogrpahy entry because they are exactly the same. The disambiguation letters are only if you cite two different books/sources by the same authors in the same year.
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