'Photograph' as a item type

While 'artwork' sort-of-works as the category to catalog photographic images for later citation, there are medium specific details that would be very useful:

+ Film format (or file format for digital images)
+ film size (sensor size/resolution for digital images)
+ Focal length
+ Aperture
+ Shutter speed
+ Film stock
+ ISO/film speed
+ Print size
+ Scan details (date, resolution, image correction...)

Et cetera

(I'm using Zotero version
  • This would be very useful! I have just attempted to attach an image, and it is not ideal at all.
  • I would certain like to see this as an Item as well. The characteristics that blehrman cites are very useful along with the usual provenience data elements.
  • I'm a bit skeptical about photograph as an item type and we're definitely not going to implement metadata at that level of specificity for any standard item type, but there are general medium-term plans to allow for custom item types with custom metadata profiles, which would work well for subject-specific information like the technical details of a photograph.
  • Thank you for your reply. Can understand your skepticism, but I've tried using Artwork and it kinda sorta works and I can live with it, but if you have a large catalog of photographs that are to be cited, then a dedicated [maybe Image which is more generic] Item type would be more helpful. Custom, though, sounds like a good compromise, though the devil is in the details.
  • I think a more generic image item type might work (and I'm not entirely ruling out photograph either, just the more specific metadata types mentioned above). I
    do realize that artwork is quite stretched between Michelangelo's David and an AP photograph -- to get a sense of the needs, how would you like a citation to look and what is missing / incorrect with artwork.
  • Glad my suggestion is getting discussed, and understand the reluctance to add more metadata categories. Yeah, we can use the 'Extra' field to note medium specific metadata for photography and other visual media.

    But, that is very limiting. Suggest expanding the metadata fields for 'Artwork' and rename the item type as 'Artwork/Performance', or add a 'Performance' Item type. Either way, Zotero really, really, needs to expand the 'Artist/Contributor' metadata pull down list to includes:

    + 'Performer' is okay as it covers all actors, dancers, musicians, performance artist, flash mob participants, et cetera.

    + For Musical scores/Lyrics/Music Performance (sort of covered by 'Audio Recording' but that category doesn't include live performances/scores/sheet music) - with addition of 'Composer', 'Lyricist', 'Arranger', 'Conductor', 'Producer', 'Recording Engineer', et cetera.

    + Theatrical Performance/Plays/Dance - with 'Director', 'Choreographer', 'Composer', 'Performers', 'Costume Design', 'Set Design', 'Lighting Design', et cetera.
  • live performances are a completely separate question, though (with multiple open threads and a ticket of its own). If you make this thread about everything at once, it almost certainly won't go anywhere -- better to keep it focused and specific.

    My question was what you need for photographs that isn't provided by artwork and how you would like to cite said photographs.
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