File share of a groupe
We are a group of scientist using Zotero. We share a group of entries but we would store our files on our internal laboratory server. How to do this ? We have differents solutions WebDav server, ftp server, seafile cloud storage but we can't find a way to do so and not be limitated by zotero storage capacity. Is there some solutions to this ?
Many thanks for Zotero solution and its help for scientists and science.
Many thanks for Zotero solution and its help for scientists and science.
You could also store your files on an ftp server and attach them to Zotero as Links to URIs (with an ftp address).
In general, as an avid Zotero user working with many groups, I would recommend Zotero File Storage. It is the easiest to set up and maintain. The price is relatively low and comparable to other cloud providers. Storage plans max out at 120 USD for unlimited storage.