Drag and drop sources from an individual zotero account to a group lib.using the web zotero version

edited October 11, 2017
I required my students to add me to a group Zotero library as part of their research proposal so I could see their sources and notes. However, although I am technically part of these groups, I cannot view the sources the students have added to their libraries because they only appear in their individual library, and they are having trouble moving them to the group library.
It is easy on Zotero stand-alone to drag and drop sources from the individual to the group library, but not on the web-based version. Do you have any tips for students who do not have their own laptop and thus are accessing Zotero from the browser version?
  • unfortunately not really -- I hope we'll get some functionality to transfer between libraries as the website improves, but currently there's pretty much nothing they can do without Standalone, I'm afraid.
  • Thank you Adam! Fortunately, we have zotero installed in all our public computers so I am suggesting students to transfer their zotero data that way. thanks!
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