Read/Unread item

Please add "Read/Unread" item to Zotero like another Article Manager (Mendeley, Endnote). It's not reasonable to do it by tagging or folder creating.
  • I'm curious how have others kept track of articles they've read/unread....? I'm feeling the same pain as myghasemi1992. Please help...
  • colored tags. Not sure why that's not reasonable. (see )
  • I use tags, and they work well for me. I use more than 2 tags, so even if there were a Read/Unread element, I probably wouldn't use it. I use tags for:

    read, partially
    read; read again later
    to read
  • If I select multiple items, I cannot add tags. Do I need to add tags individually? If so, tagging is not working effectively.

    I am with OP on that. There should be a functionality that unread items are moved or copied to a special collection, e.g. "Unread". They should disappear when an item is marked read. This is reasonable and that is why was implemented in other applications.
  • See my link. Colored links can be (un)assigned by number keys, including to multiples.
    A saved search for the relevant tag will add/remove to a collection automatically on assignment/unassignment.

    (You can assign regular tags to multiple items by dragging them to the tag in the selector on the left, but unassignment isn't possible in mass. It's also a lot less elegant than a single keystroke).
  • Thanks. It helped a lot
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