Style Error: [Ecology Letters]

Dear all, I'm confused about the Ecology Letters style, because as far as I can see, references in the papers of the journal are not numbered as they are in the downloable file available in the repository
  • I am a Zotero newbie (loving it so far!) but I think this problem is still current. What field should I edit to get rid of the numbered bibliography? Tried removing:

    but that removes all line spacing regardless of the spacing values I enter here:

    thanks much
  • yeah, not sure what's going on there; we'll fix it.
  • edited September 25, 2017
    Just made a pull request for the fix. The new style should be on the repo shortly. Check the time stamp for the 2017 date:
  • @vincentfugere, it looks like @damnation already figured out what you're asking, but in general, you need to put XML code between <code> and </code> tags to display correctly on these forums. (e.g. <code><text macro="author-short"/></code> produces <text macro="author-short"/>)
  • edited September 26, 2017
    Still having the same problem
  • @x2012aqa You are going to need to provide more information—as @damnation said above, a fix has been submitted. Try updating your styles by clicking the button in the Zotero preferences General pane.
  • The person next to me was not having the same problem despite both of us having downloaded it all at the same time. Re-downloaded ecologyletters.csl several times and it didn't change, although his changed randomly at some point. Went into Preferences and clicked the update button next to "Automatically check for updated translators and styles" and the problem fixed itself. Given all the coding I looked through to find the problem with no luck, I find this very interesting haha
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