The search bar stops working, makes the central pane grey out and Zotero stops working

After using Zotero for a while (minutes, hours), I find that when I attempt to initiate a new search using the standard search bar, the little round search icon spins and spins as if it's busy, but no results come up. The contents that were in the central pane before the search stay there, but then when I mouse over them, they grey out or disappear. I can only get Zotero to work again after reopening it.

I've been having this problem probably for a month or two, and it's continued since updating to 5.0.18. I'm using the standalone version on Mac Sierra 10.12.6. Am I the only one having this problem?
  • Some people have reported this, but we haven't been able to reproduce it, so if you figure out reliable steps to do so, let us know. There's also a small chance this is fixed in 5.0.19, which is now available via Help -> "Check for Updates…".
  • I've just updated to 5.0.19, will let you know if it persists. I can't seem to determine any reliable steps. It seems to be more likely after I've saved a reference and then do a search not long afterwards. Yesterday I noticed I could wake it up again by switching between libraries. Thanks.
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