Zotero cannot find 2 files

I have an issue with my zotero (which is updated). Wen I try to find a reference in my library, zotero looks for it indefinitely and never finds it. It was working fine before I pay to use more than the free storage...What should I do to be able to work efficiently ? The only solution I have now is to restart zotero each time I need to find a reference in my library which is really not convenient...
  • I'm not really following exactly what is happening. What and how are you trying to search? And what do you mean "zotero looks for it indefinitely and never finds it"?
  • I use the research field and type an author name and i see an icon signifying that zotero is searching but cannot find the reference I need (which is in my library).
  • Can you provide a Report ID after this occurs and before restarting Zotero?
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