attachment path cannot be set for link attachments

I have deinstalled and reinstalled firefox v3, zotero 1.0.9 and sync work computer and my acer aspire one sync fine, but there was a problem with my laptop, so I am starting from scratch. Everything seems to be the same, but I bring up zotero and instead of syncing it gives me the following message: AttachementPath cannot be set for link attachments.

I adore zotero as an idea and as a working tool, but I have no clue how to follow most of the "help" advice in the forums.
  • Hi kittent, I've expirienced the same problem. But the following did the job for me:

    1. restart firefox
    2. go to zotero preferences
    3. click on the sync logo and on that page on the 'reset'-Tab
    4. now choose 'Restore from Server' and click the 'restore'-Button
    5. After another restart of firefox zotero fetched the data from the server and everything was in sync

    I hope this will help you.

  • For Zotero 1.5b1 this says you must enter a username and password in the settings tab, even though I have already done so.
  • I reset the data directory to a different folder (which was empty) and resynced. Then it worked. However (as might be expected) it lost all associated files, such as PDF versions of papers.
  • I am experiencing the same problems as acgetchell:

    "For Zotero 1.5b1 this says you must enter a username and password in the settings tab, even though I have already done so"

    Also, MarcJohannes says one should click on the Restore button but there is no such button. There is a Reset button. Maybe this was a typo, maybe the software has changed.

    Can anyone help?

  • FSaldanha: Make sure you're running Zotero 1.5 Beta 2.
  • I'm new to 1.5 Beta 2 & have been receiving the same error. I'm using Windows Live Sync as Webdav agent (used to be FolderShare). Marc's solution above is working for me so far.
  • This problem is likely fixed in the trunk and will ship with beta 3.
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