"Zotero's Sync preference tab"

I'm trying to follow the instructions under "syncing" in Zotero Documentation. There is a part that I simply do not find: I do have a Zotero account & can log in successfully. The part that says "open Zotero's Sync preferences tab in the Zotero Sync Server section" is baffling me here. I don't see that at the site, nor on my local install. I'm in v. 1.0.9. Thanks in advance for pointing to this.
  • Syncing is only available in the beta version 1.5b2
  • Yes, I realized just after posting. Suggest: documentation read: *First, upgrade to v 1.5b2*. Here is the webdav solution that is apparently working for me, from Mike:
    PS: I accessed "My Library" at this site, & really impressive to have this web access!
    PSS: I'm a grad student & our univ recently gave away free copies of Endnotes. Folks, this comes with 700-page manual. Even though I did set it up & used it some, I don't see the clear advantages of Endnotes over Zotero. Why pay several hundred $$$ & peruse huge manual for cumbersome 90's interface??

    * mryckman
    * CommentTimeNov 3rd 2008

    " Hello,

    In Foldershare, you can setup multiple computers to synchronize specific folders. I wouldn't use Foldershare to synchronize your whole zotero folder because of a variety of write conflict issues that come up when you try to synchronize database content, but you can sync the storage folder just fine.

    To do this, you'll of course need Zotero Sync-Preview on both computers. You will also need the FolderShare client installed on both computers. You then setup Zotero normally to sync your content. In the Zotero preferences, you do not setup WebDav syncing... Just leave that turned off...

    In FolderShare, choose that you want to create a new synced folder. Go to your first computer and select the storage folder in your zotero folder. Then, do the same on the second computer. Foldershare will then keep the two storage folders synchronized independently of Zotero.

    Hope that helps,

    Mike "

  • Which documentation did you use? It says at http://www.zotero.org/support/sync that:
    In the interest of making this easier, Zotero 1.5 provides data and file syncing.
  • I know what it says. After searching the forums, I'm not the only one who has looked for the Zotero Sync Preferenece Tab. . . several posts. The documentation makes a passing mention of the needed download, when it should direct users who are wanting to start syncing: *First, download & install Zotero 1.5b2* There would be less confusion if instructions are direct & to the point.
  • I added mention of v. 1.5 in a few more places in the documentation. Given 1.5b2's beta status, I'd be reluctant to explicitly instruct people to download it. They should know of pros/cons first.

    It might be 6 of one/half a dozen of another, but it seems sensible to conservatively tailor instructions on syncing to users of 1.5, rather than to advise everyone to download and install the beta version.
  • edited April 9, 2009
    One of the recent beta releases added a warning to the Sync Preferences tab, which you have to visit before enabling sync. At this point, Zotero is still in transition between encouraging use of 1.0.x and 1.5b. Nonetheless, the general feeling is that syncing is the only feature which is anything other than completely stable. In the interests of not scaring users off, the documentation isn't peppered with warnings, except where sync is specifically concerned. There's a lot more to 1.5 than syncing and people should use it, even if they don't want to use syncing. The documentation is currently being reworked to be 1.5-specific, so sticking version numbers in is something I would do sparingly. I'm behind including the version number in "Sync" for now, but I'd rather take it off the main documentation page. I'll hold off on removing it before further discussion, though. Let me know what you think.

    Perhaps there should be a note under the 1.5b download link on the main page saying "Now with syncing!!!!!!!!!!" or something. That might settle some of the ambiguity.
  • The documentation is currently being reworked to be 1.5-specific, so sticking version numbers in is something I would do sparingly.
    I certainly agree that these should be temporary & used only where they give clarity (particularly to people who are using the stable version).
    I'd rather take it off the main documentation page.
    As bradco points out, we've had a handful of 1.0 users try to setup sync & users of 1.0 should not have to click on a section, only to find out that they can't take advantage of what it describes & then click back. If there is some "less ugly" way to retain clarity as to 1.5-specific features on the table of contents, I'd be in favor of it.
    Perhaps there should be a note under the 1.5b download link on the main page saying "Now with syncing!!!!!!!!!!" or something. That might settle some of the ambiguity.
    Right. A succinct summary of the most important feature additions would probably be better than just "newest features."
  • I'm trying to sync with 2.0 and cannot find the sync preferences tab. What should I do?
  • @sfhirsch

    Go to preferences in the "gear menu" (icon looks like a gear wheel - second from the left in the array of 7 buttons at the top of Zotero). The sync preferences tab should be the second from the left at the top of the resulting Zotero preferences window.
  • I´m also looking for the "Zotero's Sync preferences tab", now since well over 1/2 hour.

    ok, so I learn I have to upgrade. Firefox doesn´t show any upgradability, moreover, I just installed Zotero 2 hours ago. So I got 1.0.10 and Firefox thinks this is the latest version.

    hm ... ? any help ?
  • Have a look at the homepage:
    Top Right. Two different versions two download. If you want sync, you'll need the 2.0b one - but Zotero won't automatically upgrade you, because it's still in beta.
    Before you upgrade, make sure you reade the "Which version should I use" info linked to from that page.
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