Zotero Standalone cannot identify some books using their ISBN identifiers

Zotero Standalone cannot identify some books using their ISBN identifiers. I have tried more than one and I am sure they are correct. I get this error message: "Zotero could not find a record for the specified identifier. Please verify the identifier and try again."

These do not work:

These works:

Zotero Standalone version
Firefox version 52.2.0 (64 bit)
OS: debian 9
  • There are a limited number of ISBN databases with usable APIs that Zotero can use for its Add by Identifier feature (e.g., WorldCat, Library of Congress, a German database). Unfortunately, this means that many international ISBNs can’t be retrieved in this way. If you are aware of and can suggest a Turkish ISBN database, I am sure the Zotero developers would be able to determine whether it could be added to the sources used for this feature.
  • Import international ISBN into the Zotero is limited as bwiernik described. I use this workaround for import books to the Zotero. I find ISBN in the catalogue of National Library and then import the record by the connector. It works perfectly because most libraries provide standardised metadata.
  • I am beginning to have similar issues with the isbn search feature not recognizing items. These are all US publications in philosophy/theology. The problem has started within the last couple of weeks. Prior to that I had no issues adding resources with the ISBN search feature. (just updated to 5.0 and the problem remained).
  • we always need sample ISBNs to look at issues.
  • 978-1-55635-374-1
  • That should certainly work. Try resetting your translators from the advanced tab of the Zotero preferences.
  • reset translators and tried the same ISBN...still received the "lookup failed" warning.
  • could you confirm your exact Zotero version and the post a debug ID for trying to import that ISBN?
  • Debug ID: D814846123
  • Zotero 5.0.10
  • That's rather odd. You're still seeing this? What happens if you load http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/470562596?client=worldcat.org-detailed_record&page=endnote in your browser? Does the Zotero Connector offer to import the RIS file into Zotero (or do you get offered the RIS for download), or do you see a WorldCat webpage?
  • I have the option to import via the safari Zotero plug in from the worldcat page, and that works fine. After the ISBN search failed a few weeks ago, I've still been able to us my institution's worldcat library subscription to upload through the safari Zotero plugin.
  • Are you connecting via any sort of proxy server? For some reason, when Zotero requests that URL, it's getting a WorldCat webpage instead of the RIS data.
  • not that I am aware of, I am on my institution's network which includes an institutional account for Worldcat, so there may be something involved with that.

    When i clicked the link above previously I got a jumbled dialogue box that option 1, redirects me to the worldcat page, options 2-4 download ris file.

    However, now when I click the link i download the ris file without opening a new window or going to the world cat page.
  • edited August 11, 2017
    I got a jumbled dialogue box that option 1, redirects me to the worldcat page, options 2-4 download ris file
    Can you say more about that? What do you mean by "options"? Do you know what was presenting this box?
  • I can't bring up that page anymore, but the dialogue box was not in full english...included coded "&%" symbols and such and all the options had "redirect," once I downloaded theris file and was redirected to the worldcat resourcepage I have not been able to bring that page up.
  • I cleared my cache and was able to find that page again. I have a screenshot if there is a way to send that to you let me know. There are 3 options, not 4.
    below is the copied text of the diaogue box. "header" is the title of the box, and "body4" is the submit button.



  • edited August 11, 2017

    Yeah, this is the same WorldCat page that you're being served in Zotero. Your best bet is probably to report this to whoever at your institution manages the WorldCat subscription so that they ask WorldCat about it, giving http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/470562596?client=worldcat.org-detailed_record&page=endnote as an example URL. That URL should return a RIS record, and if it doesn't I'm afraid ISBN lookup in Zotero won't work for you. It seems pretty clear that this page isn't meant to be shown directly to users in any case, so something clearly is off here.
  • any guess as to why the recent change? I have been using zotero just fine for the past several years with no problems with the ISBN feature. I will send this on to our network people.
  • Nothing changed on Zotero's end, so no, I'm afraid.
  • I am having the same issue for sometime now
  • We'd want to make sure this is actually the same issue under the hood, so, as above
    could you confirm your exact Zotero version and the post a debug ID for trying to import as well as the ISBN you're trying to import?
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