Citation drop down (add page number, suppress author) behavior changed

edited August 3, 2017
I use the citation drop down quite often to add page numbers or to suppress the author for a citation. I've always done this with ctrl+down arrow because I'm typing and it's much faster. Previously (Zotero 4), the drop down would start with the cursor in the page number blank, allowing me to keep typing or TAB 3x to hit suppress author (space). Now (Zotero 5) the cursor isn't placed in the drop-down at all. It's TAB 2x (once to highlight "page" and again to get to the blank, or 5x to get the author.

Yes, this is an extremely minor issue; I realize that. I just happened to be typing today and noticed that it had changed and somewhat interrupted my workflow. I was curious about why the change and if this could be noted for a future fix.

Everything else with Zotero 5 is great so far! Keep up the great work!
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