Report ID 522622006 - Zotero 5.0 won't install Word Processor plugin
Report ID 522622006
In Zotero 5.0, I opened Preferences > Cite > Word Processors. I clicked the top button, "Install Microsoft Word Add-in," and nothing happened. The text in the Microsoft Word box still reads, "The Microsoft Word add-in is not currently installed," and when I open Word, there is no Zotero tab or Add-ins tab.
I am running Word 2013 (15.0.4945.1000) MSO ( 32-bit, Part of Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2013.
I have tried restarting Word and Zotero.
I'm a little worried about this basic function not working, as I will be teaching a lot of new grad students to use Zotero in about a month, and am in the process of creating new support videos for my campus over the next couple weeks.
In Zotero 5.0, I opened Preferences > Cite > Word Processors. I clicked the top button, "Install Microsoft Word Add-in," and nothing happened. The text in the Microsoft Word box still reads, "The Microsoft Word add-in is not currently installed," and when I open Word, there is no Zotero tab or Add-ins tab.
I am running Word 2013 (15.0.4945.1000) MSO ( 32-bit, Part of Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2013.
I have tried restarting Word and Zotero.
I'm a little worried about this basic function not working, as I will be teaching a lot of new grad students to use Zotero in about a month, and am in the process of creating new support videos for my campus over the next couple weeks.
However, you might be able to install using the manual installation instructions.
However, we've had a few users report problems like this since your report and it seems that going to Tools -> Add-ons, disabling and reenabling the extension fixes it. We're looking for a less awkward solution at the moment. Also manual installation instructions I've linked to above should work.
Disable all macros except digitally signed macros.
Is Zotero a digitally signed macro?
Under Macro Settings, I could choose "Enable all macros (not recommended; potentially dangerous code can run)." But my IT support folks, and apparently, also Microsoft, frown on that setting. I am in fact unable to make that selection, even.
Yes, the following appear under Developer -> Macros:
For the time being your options are upgrading to Word 2016 or reducing the Trust-Centre setting to Disable macros with notification and then click "Enable Content" on the notification that you will get when restarting Word.
In Word, go to File -> Options -> Add-Ins. The last line has a drop down list that usually says "COM Add-Ins". Select "Templates" from the dropdown menu. Click the GO button.
Zotero.dotm needs to be added to the "Global templates and and add-ins" box. Click "Add". I browsed over to the Zotero installation and found zotero.dotm. Once it was chosen the Open button changes to OK. Click OK. Word now reads the Zotero template. (You can also copy zotero.dotm into the Word files, but that is unnecessary.
Zotero.dotm can be found at Systems(x86) ->Zotero ->Extensions -> ->install.
I hope this helps.