'Insert citation' window always appear in background
It's annoying when it happens, as I have to activate the window first and only then type in the citation. Adds unnecessary and counterintuitive actions.
Is it working as intended or a bug?
Zotero Standalone 4, Linux Mint Mate, LibreOffice.
Is it working as intended or a bug?
Zotero Standalone 4, Linux Mint Mate, LibreOffice.
especially when multiple libreoffice windows are open,
the insert-citation dialog somehow appears at a random 'levels' between "Front of all windows" and "Back of all windows"
Win 8.1
LibreOffice Version:
Zotero Integration for LibreOffice: 5.0.4
Zotero: 5.0.6
I's just a booboo, but an annoying one.
This solution might help for MS Windows users. In Ubuntu 17.04 with Zotero 5.0.6, however, the behavior of the Add/Edit Citation window is odd after changing this preference: No window frame; writing into the search field not possible.
Therefore, I used the CompizConfig manager instead, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Zotero#Window_management_for_the_OOo_extension. I did not need to change the window rules. I just changed one setting (Step 4): "General Options", "Focus & Raise Behavior" tab, set "Focus Prevention Level" to OFF.
The suggested solution:
integration.keepAddCitationDialogRaised to TRUE
...only worked temporarily for me. The issue reverts back next time I open a document/start up zotero.
Probably not the most elegant solution but it works at least.
Note that I use ALT+R to insert my citations, so just change '!r' to whatever hotkey you use.
Switches focus to the citation window when you press ALT+R
SendMode Input
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%
$!r:: ; ALT+R is the hotkey
SendEvent !r
WinWait, Quick Format Citation,, 3000 ; wait until cite window exists (3s timeout)
WinActivate, Quick Format Citation ; activate cite window
return ;