Batch deletion of tags [feature request]

Accumulating unwanted tags occurs quite easily in Zotero, leading to a situation in which tags are not useful at all. Getting rid of useless tags is time-consuming at the moment because one cannot select several tags and do a "delete all" command.

Such a batch deletion feature has been mentioned several times in discussions on this forum (for example, Is it something that the developers have on a "to do" list ? It would have two positive effects:

1. In terms of user interface, people expect to be able to select several items in a collection by Ctrl-click or Shift-click.

2. Batch removal of unwanted tags would increase the usefulness of the "tags" interface as it would reduce the number of labels to those that are actually useful to organize a large bibliography collection.

Thank you.
  • Thank you - did not find that discussion, now it is bookmarked. The removal of automatic tags worked for many of my tags, but many were not recognized as "automatic", probably because they come from older versions of my library.
  • Yeah, it's possible the automatic flag would've been lost via export/import or some other bug in an older version. You might be able to use Zutilo, mentioned in that thread, until there are additional tag management features in Zotero proper.
  • Many thanks for the help with this. Indeed Zutilo helps - installed it a few minutes ago and already deleting dozens of tags. I am lucky that the "buggy" entries are all from about the same period, quite easy to select.
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