Oopenoffice plug in - insert notes into tables

Using various format styles, I have tried to insert a reference into a table using the appropriate ZOTERO icon in OpenOffice. Something complains (OO? Zotero?) and tells me that:

Citations cannot be inserted here. They can only be inserted in the main body, footnotes, endnotes.

I can, however, create the reference mark outside of the table, and then cut and paste it into the table. Having reference numbers in a table is quite common for literature reviews. It would be nice to be able to include reference numbers within OO tables.

Thanks again for an amazing product.
  • edited March 31, 2009
    well, i second this whish!

    I am just doing a table which includes various numbers from different sources... although i can cut and paste citations into the table cells, this gets me an error message when refreshing - so it doesnt work.

    That led me to think about footnotes - but citations cannot be embedded there either!
    Why that!? With openoffice itself, i can insert fields and the like at these positions!

    Of course this also applies to captions in frames. With the built-in (very old way) bibliography, i can insert bibliography entries here!


    see also
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