Problem withh Chicago manual of stype (Author, date format)

When I put citation into the Word, zotero acts differently towards differnt references for example:

"Wang, G., A. Dobermann, C. Witt, Q. Sun, and R. Fu. 2001. Performance of Site-Specific Nutrient Management for Irrigated Rice in Southeast China. Agronomy Journal 93, no. 4: 869-878."

is cited in text as; (G. Wang et al. 2001) [it includes G. which is the second name of author Wang]

While it works fine for other citations for example:

Buresh, R. J., C. Witt, S. Ramanathan, B. Mishra, B. Chandrasekaran, and R. Rajendran. 2005. Site-specific nutrient management: managing N, P, and K for rice. Fertiliser News 50, no. 3: 25-28,31-37.

is cited correctly as: (Buresh et al. 2005)

what is the problem?
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