Multiple citations into one reference

Hi I'm trying to write my thesis. I have a lot of citations that need to be grouped together. For example reference 12 in the bibliography needs to be 12. (a)... (b)... (c)

As it is, if I cite multiple papers in the text it gives them each individual numbers. Instead of 12. (a)... (b).... (c).... I get references, 12,13,14,15 and so on.

Is there any way with zotero to fix this?
  • No, Zotero/CSL can't create subgroups in numerical references.
  • Thanks for ending my search. Hopefully will be updated. The nice thing about zotero is it actually cites ACS style correctly with the plugin... Endnote fails with spacing and messes up authors names consistently, but it can create subgroups... can't win
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