em dash in footnote

My apologies in advance if this has been answered elsewhere (I assume it is, I just haven't been able to locate the discussion), but:

How do I add an "em dash" to a footnote? (exact situation: it's just me typing away; it's not part of a title or anything like that)

Normally, in Word that is, we just type blablabla--blablabla and a — appears. It doesn't work like that in Zotero. Any thoughts?

Thanks in advance!
  • Are you on a Mac or Windows?

    On Mac, type Alt+Shift+-

    On Windows, it's easiest to just cut and paste it from elsewhere in your word document.
  • Hitting -- should give you the en dash, not the em dash. In Microsoft Office, you can use the ALT key and numbers to generate these. It always works when the numbers come from the number pad, but is troublesome when using numbers above the alphabets. I am sure there is a reason and fix, just never bothered to find out.

    Dash is Alt 45
    En dash is Alt 0150
    Em dash is Alt 0151
  • At least modern versions of Word follow good typographical practice:

    em--dash --> em—dash
    en -- dash --> en – dash
  • Ah, I did not know removing space around the double dash creates an em dash. Thanks.
  • Thanks for the response.

    Thanks bwiernik, you're right: it is that easy: just copy and paste into zotero and you're good.

    Yeah, I use the adamsmith way too.

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