Scan RTF "Choose" does not open a directory dialogue

Hi, Love Zotero and have used it for years. I run on a Mac using 10.8 (not allowed to upgrade by company). Have used Scan RTF hundreds of times running the stand-alone version. Today, when I went to scan a file, the Introduction page comes up, but "Choose File" does not respond, nor does the text field. I am at/near my server limit of 300 Mb. Is this a problem with my account needing more space (i.e., I need to pay), or is it a problem with Amazon's web services still being down. If a space problem, how can I find the biggest files to purge from account to get me below 300 Mb? If, instead, I choose a paying route for Zotero, will that fix the problem?
Thank you, Mark
  • Which Zotero version are you using? Do you have any add-ons (in particular the ODF-scan add-on)?
  • Thank you for the quick reply!


    RTF/ODF Scan for Zotero 1.0.22
    Zotero Better Bib(La)Tex 1.6.95
    Zotero LibreOffice Integration 3.5.12...
    Zotero Word for Mac Integration 3.5.14...
  • Update the ODF Scan add-on from
    sorry, auto-updating was broken for that version because we migrated the add-ons location.
  • That worked! Thank you!
  • Spoke too soon. Now, it hangs when it goes to scan a document. I was patient and waited far longer than I normally do, so I'm pretty sure it is stuck.
  • is that RTF or ODF that you're scanning?
  • Just wanted to say that I had a similar problem and updating to the latest version of the add-on fixed it. Thanks!
  • Hi adamsmith, I am also trying to scan an rtf file through firefox rtf/odf add-on. I am using
    mac os sierra 10.12.3
    firefox (latest) and
    having installed RTF/ODF Scan for Zotero 1.0.33
    It now allows me to select an rtf file but it times out at the "Scanning for Citations" step.
    what am i missing?
  • I'm wondering -- why do you have the add-on installed if you're scanning RTF files? The add-on only deals with ODF (.odt) files. Zotero handles RTF files natively and using a completely different syntax (we probably should have named the add-on differently, but that's a different story.
  • Hey there, Thank you! I do have Zotero standalone installed also. My workflow is Scrivener>Compile to RTF. Then I was hoping to scan the citations into BlueBook Law Review Style. Is that possible? Perhaps my flow is all wrong?
  • how are you inserting the citations in Scrivener?
  • drag and drop (from my online Zotero library)
  • Sorry, unclear question: how do they look in Scrivener? (one example is enough)
  • Here is an example of the reference in Scrivener

    {Abrams, "Player Safety in Youth Sports: Sportsmanship and Respect as an Injury-Prevention Strategy", 2012}
  • OK, so that's for RTF Scan. You don't need the add-on for that at all. The first two things I'd try is
    a) disable the ODF scan add-on
    b) Try this in a very simple document with just one or two such citations.
  • Yes, wonderful. The flow I used is Scrivener (to compose), then Compile For Rich Text (.rtf - Word Compatible), then Zotero - RTF Scan, then I opened that scanned output file with Open With Word (latest, version 15.31). Voila! My cites are in the correct style and properly referenced with "supra", where appropriate. However, there is one weird thing -- the last footnote in the text that is scanned does NOT appear. It is as if it was never written.
  • Hello,

    I've been trying to work out how to get this style:
    Smith {2009}

    to work with scrivener and zotero rtf scan.

    When I drag from zotero to scrivener I get this:
    {Smith, "Title", 2009}

    and when I run zotero rtf scan, all is as expected:
    (Smith, 2009)

    However, if I want the format "Smith (2009) recommended..."
    I can't seem to do it.

    Any clues?

    Many thanks :)
  • (please remember: new threads for new questions)
    and you're saying Smith {2009} doesn't work?
  • Novice scrivener user here. I've a question: I wrote a draft with Zotero in Word, and now want to migrate to Scrivener. Is there a way to not start over and add all the cites one by one? Thanks!
  • For RTF Scan, you can simply use the citation style from the repository. For ODF Scan -- possible but a lot more involved.
  • adamsmith - I have inserted many footnotes into a Scrivener file that I then compile as an rtf document, then scanned that through my Zotero library, then I opened the document with Word, yet the Word document does not appear to have processed the citations at all. Here is an example of one of the footnotes in the Word doc.

    here is one example of a footnote as it appears in the Scrivener file:

    See Am. Soc’y of Int’l Law, ASIL Guide to Electronic Resources for International Law,

    What am I doing wrong?
  • If you use RTF, you're not using our tool. We scan ODF and require opening in LibreOffice after scanning.
    RTF scan is built-in Zotero functionality and just generally less reliable
  • From Scrivener 3.0.3 I can't compile to ODF; but I can compile to ODT, which is OpenOffice. If I can't compile to ODT, any recommended workflow to get my cites processed by Zotero?
  • ODF/ODT are the same thing. You compile from Scrivener to ODT, then use the ODF scan to convert to live Zotero citations, then open in LibreOffice for final formatting.
  • Okay, so at the moment I see that when I drag and drop or copy and paste a citation from Zotero to Scrivener, the citation does not appear with curly brackets (as it used )(see discussion above on RTF scan). So I thought I might output the file as ODT, then scan the ODT file via LibreOffice (as you suggested). So, I downloaded and installed LibreOffice (on my Mac) and tried to download the LibreOffice Add-in to my Standalone Zotero for purposes of scanning, but the snag I have run into is that the installation will not complete without removing JRE and instead installing a Java Development Kit. I tried that and I am having lots of trouble properly installing the JDK. Am I correct in assuming that the RTF Scan no longer works and ODT scan is the only way I can get this document properly scanned by Zotero?
  • Update: I successfully installed the Zotero add-on integration with LO. However, would love a link explaining how to insert citations from Zotero to Scrivener, so that the items are scannable once the file is compiled; that is, how to get citation markers into my Scrivener file.
  • @bwiernik Thank you! But here is the thing---I am using Zotero Standalone 5.0.54 on a Mac. I would like very much to be able to use Zotero somehow with Scrivener. I have an article that is quite lengthy with many citations drafted in Scrivener. Having stumbled across your LO integration add-on tool and having installed that (thank you, by the way) I have this question. Your instructions state: “Inserting Citation Markers

    From the Zotero Client

    “To generate citation markers in Zotero for Firefox or Zotero Standalone, first set the Default Output Format for Quick Copy to Scannable Cite in the Export tab of the Zotero Preferences. You can now insert citation markers into your document in two easy ways:
    Drag items from your Zotero library and drop them onto your document
    Select items and press Ctrl+Alt+C (Cmd+Shift+C on macOS) to copy the citation markers to your clipboard and press Ctrl+V (Cmd+V) to paste them into your document”.

    In Zotero version 5 (current) there is no option to Export to a Default Format “Scannable Cite”. I see CSL JSON and other formats. Do any of these export formats work with the LO integration add on? That is, if I output to CSL JSON, copy and paste that into Scrivener file, then export to ODT, open in LO, then finally export that to DOCX to use in Word (which is a word processor I am more familiar with), will the cites be "active" Zotero cites? Any tip on how to use your add-on with Scrivener would be a lifesaver.
  • edited August 7, 2018
    Do you have the ODF scan add-on installed? If so, you may need to manually install the exporter:

    (edit: I'm going to delete your comment on my blog -- nothing wrong with it, but better to handle this here)
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