Ontario regulations

Trying to format Ontario reg.s such as http://www.canlii.org/en/on/laws/regu/o-reg-391-97/latest/o-reg-391-97.html and having a difficult time with the O Reg 391/97 part. Using McGill citation style.
  • edited March 5, 2017
    Removed the short section and included RSO in the date field. Not perfect but better than before.
    <-- cases and bill legislations render the same for biblio and (first) cite -->
    macro name="render-bill">
    group delimiter=" ">
    group delimiter=", ">
    text variable="title" font-style="italic"/>
    text macro="author-note" strip-periods="true"/>
    text macro="issued-long"/>
    text macro="container-title"/>

    macro name="render-case">
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