"Save to Zotero" filenames changed to "0.pdf," "0.xls," ...

In Firefox, when I "Save to Zotero" the filenames are changed in Zotero to "0.[file_extension]" like "0.xls." Is there a way to retain the original file name?

Thank you!
  • Do you have Zotfile installed?
  • And can you provide an example URL? This definitely isn't something Zotero does normally.
  • It looks like this happens for me when downloading attachments from mail.google.com in Firefox. If I see it happening again elsewhere for me, I'll post here. Thank you.
  • A similar renaming behavior happens at this site: https://ccle.ucla.edu/course/view/

    I right click on a .PDF file > Zotero > Save Link as Zotero Item

    All .PDF files save as "view.pdf"

    Not a problem with .PPT files.
  • edited March 21, 2017
    When you save a PDF directly, Zotero should save it with the filename provided by the server. I can't access that site, but do you get the same thing if you save it to your desktop via Firefox? If not, we can investigate — the "view" is clearly coming from a /view URL, but there's another way for sites to provide filenames, and it's possible we're not properly picking that up.

    When you save a regular item with metadata via the Save to Zotero button, Zotero will rename the PDF based on the parent metadata. You can also attach a PDF to an item with metadata, right-click the PDF, and choose "Rename File from Parent Metadata".
  • Thank you. I confirmed.

    Here is the link to the PDF file on the page: https://ccle.ucla.edu/mod/resource/view.php?id=1234

    When instead I left-click on the link to open the PDF in Firefox, then URL in the address bar becomes: https://ccle.ucla.edu/pluginfile.php/1234/mod_resource/content/0/[author's name].pdf . And Zotero names the file "[author's name].pdf"

    I am very thankful for the "rename with parent metadata" and "retrieve metadata" upon download features. Can really save time. Thank you.
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