Simple Citation Style WITH Footnotes

  • Great, thanks.
  • Adam (and anyone else interested),

    Thanks for your help. I was able to make those two edits to the style. Now I need to figure out how to make two more:

    1) In the bibliography, when there are multiple works by one author, instead of the author name repeating, replace it with "———" (three em-dashes).

    2) In the bibliography, need to add “” around titles of journal articles, book sections, and PhD theses.

    Thanks very much,

  • 1/ Replace bibliography hanging-indent="true" etc…
    <bibliography hanging-indent="true" et-al-min="11"
    et-al-use-first="7" entry-spacing="0" subsequent-author-substitute="———">

    2/Add to the macro "title"
    <else-if type="chapter article-journal thesis" match="any">
    <text variable="title" quotes="true"/>

    just before <else>
    <text variable="title"/>
  • Thanks very much! I'll give it a shot.
  • Many thanks to all of you who have helped with my editing queries. One more. I'm working with a lightly modified "International Organization" style:

    In the bibliography, how do I get multiple works by the same author to sort by date rather than alphabetical by title?

    Thanks in advance.
  • Sorry, one more, still in bibliography: how do I move the date from after the author to after the publisher, at the end of the reference? (e.g.: "Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2014.")
  • Any help here? (See previous two posts.) I've searched through several similar threads and haven't found a direct answer to these two issues. Thanks.
  • MWE.
    Ok two books, same author.^1 The other book.^2 Ok, back to the first.^3 The second again.^4

    Chicago Full note:
    1. Jon Kimche and David Kimche, Both Sides of the Hill; Britain and the Palestine War, by Jon and David Kimche (London, Secker & Warburg, 1960, 1960), 30.
    2. Jon Kimche, The Second Arab Awakening (Henry Holt & Company, Inc., 1973), 13.
    3. Kimche and Kimche, Both Sides of the Hill; Britain and the Palestine War, by Jon and David Kimche, 33.
    4. Kimche, The Second Arab Awakening, 21.

    What we want: (Chicago author-date as footnote)
    (Can you put this in the repository instead of telling 100 people how to edit it themselves?
    1. Jon Kimche and David Kimche, Both Sides of the Hill; Britain and the Palestine War, by Jon and David Kimche (London, Secker & Warburg, 1960, 1960), 30.
    2. Jon Kimche, The Second Arab Awakening (Henry Holt & Company, Inc., 1973), 13.
    3. Kimche and Kimche 1960, 33.
    4. Kimche 1973, 21.
  • edited September 9, 2015
  • I'm looking for a citation style that is basically like Chicago author-date, with only three differences:

    1) Citations appear exclusively in footnotes, never in the body.
    2) Uses ibid.
    3) Citations are exclusively formatted with the parentheses only around year/pages, not around the Author: e.g. Author (year, pages); Miller (1984, 49-52)

    This is the citation style that is used by the journals like Music Theory Spectrum, and Perspectives of New Music.

    Is the best way to accomplish this to modify an existing style? The International Organization style is similar, but seems to have some differences in the bibliography (e.g., ordering same-author papers by title rather than by date).

    Sorry if the answer to this should be obvious -- a lot of people seem to have similar questions but I haven't quite found the best solution based on this thread.
  • Can you post links to the journal style requirements? If those are what the journals require, we can easily add them to the official CSL style repository.
  • Thanks for the quick reply.
    Below is a link to the Music Theory Spectrum Style Guide (pdf). They don't mention the fact that they use ibid, so I'm also including a link to a sample article that demonstrates the use of ibid (hopefully it's viewable, and not blocked by paywall)

    Spectrum Style Guide:
    Sample Spectrum article excerpt showing their use of ibid:
  • Hi, any update on this? I too would love to see the Music Theory Spectrum style supported. Thanks!
  • @damnation Could you add this journal to your list?
  • I have. Without more details this will be one of the last to get done though.
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