comment on LII scraper

The announcement that Zotero will recognize US Supreme Court citations at LII provides as an example

which is a 1995 case (Hubbard v. US). This works as advertised. However, the LII seems to have changed something, so that recent cases, eg

(Legin Creative Leather Products v. PSKS, just decided) aren't recognized. Is this right, or am I perhaps doing something wrong here?
  • edited July 25, 2007

    I wrote the translator (I'm not a member of the Zotero team, just a contributor and former lawyer).

    Looks like LII has links that use "" in addition to "" - I'll modify the translator this week to accomodate both URLs. In the meantime, just change the "supct" to "www" - reload the page, and you should be able to capture it.

    Thanks for the feedback!
  • This is still an ongoing problem. Certain cases scrape just fine, i.e.

    Others don't, i.e.

    Any insight on this would be much appreciated.
  • edited March 19, 2009

    It looks like sometimes the <meta> tag for "AUTHOR" has no contents. I have added a default string "Author not provided" for these instances. Please update your translators manually or wait 24 hours. If you are still having difficulty please let me know.
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