Foreign Journal Title/English Article Title

I hit a snag helping a professor with citing a journal article in SBL (Society of Biblical Literature) style today. It was an English language title, but the journal was in German. If the language field is empty or indicates English, the journal title is cited correctly (Title Case), but the German journal title (in this case, Zeitschrift Für Die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft) was incorrectly cited. If I change the language field to German, the journal title is correctly cited, but the journal article title is not. How can I resolve this?
  • oh, we should almost certainly leave journal titles alone, i.e. you want the language to reflect the title of that article. I'll take a look.

    (FWIW, this can be handled via <span class="nocase"> tags, but I'd stay away from that here. If you're in a rush, you can obviously just title case the journal title in Zotero for now and set the language to German).
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