MLA citations incorrect

I have switched citation styles from Modern Humanities to MLA using the Word 2016 plugin but the output style is incorrect (has author date). Please help.
  • What exactly is wrong? MLA is an author-date citation style, so I'm not following what the issue is.
  • Thanks for your response. I am trying to change references in my footnotes so that it complies with MLA style. I expect to see something like this - "Lalu, Premesh. The Deaths of Hintsa: Postapartheid South Africa and the Shape of Recurring Pasts. HSRC Press, 2009." Instead, I get (Lalu, The Deaths of Hintsa).

  • What you're looking for is not mla style, which looks exactly like what you're getting. There is no such thing as mla compliant footnotes. You could try Chicago manual if you want footnotes?
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