Suddenly, Firefox is crashing

Hi, long time Zotero user here. Today Firefox has been crashing repeatedly on me. While it happened after I loaded the Evernote clipper, I then un-installed Firefox & re-installed it, disabling every add-on and extension. Firefox ran fine. Then I re-installed Zotero (my most important add-on!), and when I restarted Firefox it now crashes on start-up every time.

Any idea or advice? Many thanks!

  • Do you mean "crashes" or "freezes"?
  • Crashing, as in not even able to start up.

    Since I posted I un-installed Firefox AGAIN and re-re-installed Zotero...and so far it seems to be working.
  • OK, if this happens again, we'd need to know exactly what was happening — whether you were getting an error message, etc. — but glad to gear it's working now.
  • I tried to post the error code from the Firefox crash report but it was too long to fit in here.
  • Ah, OK, so you were actually getting a Firefox crash report. An actual Firefox crash is really a Firefox bug regardless (except maybe for extremely large Zotero libraries that cause it to run out of memory), so reinstalling/upgrading Firefox being the fix would make sense.
  • Since things are running now (waiting, waiting for Zotero to sync...) I'm afraid to sync my Firefox account--wonder if it's dragging something in that's causing the crashes.
  • Oh, you actually wiped your Zotero database? There's not really any reason to do that, and it can cause other problems. If you still have your old data directory, you'd be better off copying that back into place.
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