CSL feature: different formatting within names (for use in CVs)
Is it possible to presently design a CSL style in such a way as to allow accentuating (e.g. by making it bold, underline) only one name (defined within the style) within a list of authors/editors?
I find it (relatively) convenient to use Zotero + a self-designed CSL to store+display my personal publications/presentations... and I would like to have my name stand out when using it for my CV.
Thank you in advance for all input,
I find it (relatively) convenient to use Zotero + a self-designed CSL to store+display my personal publications/presentations... and I would like to have my name stand out when using it for my CV.
Thank you in advance for all input,
Yes, this is clearly an option for a paper version CV, but it would require some additional implementation (JScript (?)) in cases when you are trying to display it online (e.g. WordPress blog + the ZotPress)...
So maybe this could be implemented in a future version of CSL?
I'm sure this has been requested / discussed before, e.g. here https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/comment/64030/#Comment_64030 )
WordPress + ZotPress access and display your CV on the fly from the Zotero online library, so manual editing is not a option.
"Display > highlight
Highlight a piece of text, such as an author name, in the bibliography. Options: any text, [empty by default].
[zotpress collection="GMGCJU34" highlight="Sagan, C."] "
I cannot test it now, but that seems to be what I needed....
Still, might be a good addition for a next CSL version.
Thank you all for the input!
It would probably be much better to encourage CSL processors to make rendered names individually addressable (with e.g. HTML markup) and identifiable (with e.g. ORCID data, if that's available) for disambiguation.