How to hide the item type icon?


I've already searched this forum and other web-resource but I could not find the answer to my question - how to hide the item type icon in Zotero standalone? It is unnecessarily distracting for me and makes it harder to spot my color-coded tags, I would really like to hide those icons.

I hope it's possible.
Best regards,
  • I have recently been diving inside Zotero stand alone code so I will give you some guesses on how to customise your version. Caveat: I am only a Zotero user, not on the developer team.

    Assuming that you have Zotero installed in a location such as /opt/zotero (in Linux) then you can try this.

    First close down Zotero if it is open.

    Backup your installation in (say) /opt/zotero to /opt/zotero_bak

    Now go into /opt/zotero and you will see zotero.jar

    Backup zotero.jar.

    Now change the extension of zotero.jar to

    Unzip into some temp folder for editing content.

    You will see a structure like zotero/chrome/skin/default/zotero/

    and then itemPane.css

    My untested theory is that you can edit css attributes to hide the icons.
    It may be that this is not the correct css file but you get the general idea.
    Perhaps a Zotero developer will point you to the appropriate css file which controls the item icons.
    I use searchmonkey to search for files ending in .css .. there are 25 .css files found.

    Then, after changes, repack and change it back to zotero.jar.

    Launch Zotero to test changes.

  • (while Zotero is open source and hacking it is absolutely encouraged, I'd be careful about doing so in your regular work copy. Moreover, doing this in the zotero.jar and repacking it means you'll most likely have to redo it after every update -- so use your best judgment in taking the above advice)

    That said, I'm not aware of a standard way to remove the icons.
  • Thank you for your insights dragonfly and adamsmith!

    Unfortunately I am not brave enough to try dragonfly's approach, so I'll have to wait until this option is introduced into standard options.
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