Printing from Zotero

This discussion was created from comments split from: MLA - not showing online database source in bibliography.
  • Please for the love of God, tell me how I can print my news articles that I have saved in Zotero. My librarian suggested that I use this, however, I did not save my news articles anywhere! I thought I would be able to save and print from Zotero. I am not working on my citations at this point. I am doing a framing analysis (thesis), and I need to analyze my news stories. I want to print them because I do better analyzing this way! Please help.
  • edited September 8, 2016
    Please provide a bit more detail about what you've tried, where you saved from and how, and what's in your database. I'm having a hard time following. In general you should just be able to double-click an entry, the snapshot would open in your browser, and you can print from there.
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