Edit a web page and save it in zotero

Is there any way to save a snapshot of an edited web page? There are some pages I want to edit them first and then take a snapshot of them and not to save the original one. I found this Q in the discussion: (http://forums.zotero.org/discussion/2233/?Focus=9545#Comment_9545), but unfortunately couldn't find any answer to it.
All the best.
  • You can retroactively edit the pages you capture. If you click on "Show file" in the right pane. You can then just launch the HTML file through whatever editor you want and edit the archived page.
  • You can retroactively edit the pages you capture. If you click on "Show file" in the right pane. You can then just launch the HTML file through whatever editor you want and edit the archived page.
    Again, I hate to dredge up an old discussion (OK maybe not so much)

    If I edit this page in my HTML editing software - such as Dreamweaver - and I actually delete files in the Zotero storage folder, will this confuse Zotero at all? Or does it only store a reference to the main HTML file and let that then reference all the other files?
  • It only stores a reference to the main HTML file. Zotero won't be bothered if you delete useless stuff.
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