Extraction of highlighted text from PDF using Zotfile plugin

I have successfully used Zotfile/Zotero in the past to highlight and automatically extract these highlights as notes on my Mac.

At the moment, my main computer is a PC (Windows 10) machine for other professional uses that require Windows OS. I seem to have done everything correctly in terms of installing Zotero, the Zotfile plugin and the same add-ons I had used on my Mac.

However, the extraction feature of Zotfile just does not seem to work on this Windows PC. I am able to open, highlight/notate and save attached PDF files using several different PDF programs (including Adobe Reader), but Zotfile doesn't seem to "pull" anything from these highlights/notations.

I have, as outlined on the Zotero documentation pages, verified that the PDF files in question are able to have text selected, copied and pasted in a usable format.

Any suggestions on what might be wrong here?

  • First thing to check would be -- when you open the file from Zotero, are you still seeing the annotations?

    Then, how are you trying this? Using the "extract annotations" command from Zotfile?
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