Forwarding articles from RSS reader to Zotero on Android


I use to read many Journal TOCs and blogs on my Android devices with gReader and Chrome for Android.

Is there a simple way how to forward some interesting content to Zotero? In the present, I use Pocket for easy bookmarking. But being able to "share" the article directly to Zotero would make my life easier.

Any suggestions?
  • Are you aware of this?

    Beyond that, RSS feed integration is planned in Zotero and pretty far advanced, so should happen this year.
  • Thank you, these are good news. I didn't know about the bookmarklet but I did use Zotero plugin for Chrome with somewhat similar functionality.

    What I would welcome the most is an Adroid app which would allow me to "share" an article or an url and forward it to Zotero.
  • the bookmarklet works on any android browser. Wouldn't that do what you want?
  • The bookmarklet is fine, but it's not what I need.

    On Android, various apps would add themselves to "Share" menu, which would work in any context where content sharing is available.

    I tried three Zotero apps: Zed, Zandy and Zotable. The first one mentioned is ok, but it doesn't add itself to share menu. Zandy and Zotable do, but they are lame...always crashing and not syncing properly.
  • What benefit does using the Share menu in the browser have over using the bookmarklet? Are you trying to share to Zotero from an app other than the browser?
  • Yes, that's what I'm trying to do... to share articles from gReader.
  • Think about workflow. In my experience the bookmarklet is hit and miss, and adds a number of steps to the process of saving a reference. Only one that really works sorta is to save bookmark to firefox or PDF to gdrive. Then at desktop, reopen and save to Zotero.

    What happens when I read an article in Flipboard I want save? Many do not have a valid template, after going through all this convoluted process.

    Increasingly my ponder time is during "downtime" on phone or tablet. That is why a proper app is needed.
  • I'd like to amplify this suggestion to would-be third-party developers: rather than a full-blown android client (for which we have three somewhat moribund efforts, none of which are quite fit for purpose IMHO) adding a simple system-wide intent to save to Zotero would add a great deal of value.
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