beck-online translator is not working
Report-ID: 1344484847
Error: Zotero-icon does not appear (only the option: "save as website...").
steps to reproduce: The error orrurs when using the database "beck-online" ( on any page or article.
additional information: According to there should be a translator available.
thank you very much in advance!!
Error: Zotero-icon does not appear (only the option: "save as website...").
steps to reproduce: The error orrurs when using the database "beck-online" ( on any page or article.
additional information: According to there should be a translator available.
thank you very much in advance!!
example link:
(the link should lead you to: NVwZ 2015, p. 1) --> my access to beck-online is provided by "Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin", that's why the links contains this part "". I could imagine that this might be a reason why the translator is not working for me? However, the juris-database-translator is working fine even though access is provided also through Staatsbibliothek...
The problems seem to the the replacements (- by -2 and . by -1) in the host url. Could the remaining part "" be solved by the normal proxy handling? Could we solve it by replace the regexp in the translator with
? @adamsmithMore information or anything I can help here?
But I have no chance to use the translator for legal commentaries like the big "Beck'scher Online Kommentar BGB" ( for example. I just can download the website as a website what is not what I want. This also occurs with many many other legal commentaries. So at this moment, the zotero translator is not usable for me for beck-online.
The example you posted is part of a commentary (i.e. book) and therefore should result in a book chapter. Do you agree?
I think it should result in a book chapter or a encyclopedia as described here: (Nr. 4 b). I don't know whats the better solution.
My suggestion is, to look in some existing legal citations like the one for "K&R" (Kommunikation und Recht) or for CR (Computer & Recht) or for NJW. Perhaps there already is a way how commentaries are cited. And then those zotero-fields should be taken.
" <!-- Legal commentary or handbook should be of publication type "entry-encyclopedia"
- The term "Bearbeiter" (author of a certain chapter) in the following examples should be added by you and is not governed by this stylesheet
- examples:
- Heinrichs, in: Palandt (Fn. 11), § 164 Rn. 9
- if container-title (=Zotero.encyclopediaTitle) is NOT set: <editor non-italic>, <title short>, [<edition>. Aufl. ]<year>, <locator/cited page(s)>
-.- i.e. Bearbeiter, in: Palandt, BGB, 73. Aufl. 2014, § 164 Rn. 8 (where you should add "Bearbeiter, in: " yourself)
- else <container-title>, [<edition>. Aufl. ]<year>, <locator/cited page(s)>
-.- i.e. Bearbeiter, in: BeckTKG, 4. Auflage 2013, ... (where you should add "Bearbeiter, in: " yourself)
if there is at least one series-editor (CSL.collection-editor) set: <collection-editor>, [<edition>. Aufl. ]<year>, <locator/cited page(s)>
-.- i.e. Bearbeiter, in: Palandt, BGB, 73. Aufl. 2014, ... (where you should add "Bearbeiter, in: " yourself)
In den Fußnoten würde ich einen Kommentar so formatieren:
<Nachname des Bearbeiter>, in: <Alle Nachnamen der Herausgeber mit "/" separiert>, <Kurztitel des ganzen Kommentars>, <Aktuell kommentierter Paragraph>
(danach käme noch eine Randnummer, die man aber auf jeden Fall selbst eintragen muss)
Also bspw.: Bauer, in: Wagner/Hofmann, BGB, § 12 Rn. 8 ("Rn. 8" manuell eingegeben).
Im Literaturverzeichnis würde ich das so darstellen:
<Alle Herausgeber mit Nachnamen, Vornamen (mit "/" separiert)>, <Voller Name des Kommentars>, (<Auflage>), <Ort> <Jahr>
Beste Grüße
<author>: Bearbeiter des aktuellen Ausschnittes
<editor> Herausgeber des ganzen Kommentars
<title>: Kompletter Titel des ganzen Kommentars
<title-short>: (Manuell einzugebender) Kurztitel des Kommentars
<container-title>: Aktuell kommentierter Paragraph ("§ 12 BGB" bspw.)
<edition>: Auflage
<date>: Datum der Auflage (nur das Jahr)
<URL>: Die URL
Dann noch den Ort der Auflage in die <ort>-Variable, da weiß ich aber nicht, wie diese auf englisch heißt (<event-places>?)
Beste Grüße!
since a few days a have issues with the beck online translator as well. Usually I was able to save almost anything from beck online, especially verdicts. But since two days it always tells me this: An error occurred while saving this item. Check Known Translator Issues for more information.
Can you help me with that?
Thanks a lot!