No "Z" icon in browser


I have Zotero standalone installed on my computer (PC, windows); and, I generally use Firefox to look up texts etc. However, when I open my browser, the zotero "Z" does not appear; so, I cannot save the citations into my zotero. Is there something specific I can do to fix this?

I tried re-installing zotero, but it didn't help.


  • Is Zotero listed when you type about:addons in the URL bar and press return?
  • I had the same problem with Standalone for Chrome. I have also needed to reinstall Zotero for Firefox as it fell off the addons list. I have an error report: 758385506 but the error message I keep getting is that AVG antivirus sees Zotero syncing as evidence of a JSRedir virus. This only happens at home (luckily); at work there is evidently a different antivirus system Short of changing my otherwise perfectly good antivirus, is there anything else I can do to resolve this?
  • It's likely a specific file in the sync (javascript in a snapshot, almost certainly). Either whitelist or delete that. Beyond that, start a new thread, please, so that we can use this for akaras' issue, which may very well be entirely different from yours in terms of the solutions required.
  • Hi Adam,

    Thanks. I got rid of javascript; and I reactivated a new zotero add-on, and now I'm all set. Thanks!

  • javascript wasn't relevant for you (and you can't get rid of it, though you can disable it with add-ons like noscript), but glad it's working for you again.
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