DC.type case for Doctrine.fr


I've just added metadata to my website so that Zotero can recognize them.

I used the same metadata as Juricaf: http://www.juricaf.org/arret/FRANCE-COURDECASSATION-20160302-1423009
But it doesn't work on my website: https://www.doctrine.fr/CASS/2016/JURITEXT000032157877

It seems that DC.type case isn't recognized by Zotero. How could I fix this issue?

Thanks for any help you can provide.

  • we could consider adding it, but best I can tell, #case isn't defined anywhere in any DC (or prism) specification as a vocabulary for type.

    For Juricaf, someone actually wrote a Zotero translator, it doesn't even use that field.
  • Hi adamsmith,

    I understand. So what would be the best option? Copy&paste Juricaf.js, adapt it and pull request DoctrineFR.js? Or use different metadata?
  • Let me look at a metadata option for you. Remind me if you haven't heard back in a week. Doing this with metadata is more robust than a translator, so let's try that first.
  • Sounds good! I also think a metadata option would be better.


  • Hi adamsmith,

    Did you get a chance to look into this? Let me know if there's anything I can add to the website to improve Zotero compatibility.


  • I actually did look, yes -- there's currently no way to get Zotero to recognize a page as a legal case based on metadata in the page header. We're working on JSON-LD/schema.org support, which will allow this.

    If you or anyone has an idea on how to reasonably add this based on any justifiable vocabulary for dc.type (or another type definition), I'm happy to do so. I don't think, however, we'd be willing to just add something based on a whim -- it'd have to have some reasonable basis in documentation or at leasat widespread practice.
  • Hello Adam, I am a user (not a developper) of doctrine.fr - and long-time user of Zotero.

    I don't get all the technical details, but I can assure you that, having Zotero "recognize a page as a legal case based on metadata" is certainly not a whim, but very useful for any legal scholar (who uses Zotero, of course;).

    What I don't really understand is that https://www.legifrance.gouv.fr (the official gov site) does recognize Zotero types of document : if you look for an act of government, for instance, it automatically classes it under "judicial act" (ex: https://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/affichTexte.do?cidTexte=JORFTEXT000018122744 ) ; if you look for a law case, it classes it as "law case (ex: https://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/affichJuriConst.do?oldAction=rechJuriConst&idTexte=CONSTEXT000027147054&fastReqId=303830034&fastPos=2 ).

    However, it does not fill any details for acts of gov other than the name ; but for judicial decisions, it does fill the "Court" name, the "# of the request", the "date" & the URL.

    I hope that helps...
  • no, sorry, you're misunderstanding both how this works and what I mean (I obviously don't think recognizing a page as a legal case is unimportant).
    See here for a brief description of the technology and terminology
    Juricaf and legifrance have individual translators.
  • Sorry, I forgot to add that I was not sure that I would be revelant ;-) Thanks.
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