OSCOLA - cross-referencing


I am a lawyer using ZOTERO and the style OSCOLA. As a lot of people already mention on this forum, the style is very good but there is still some issues when quoting international law, notably as there is no treaty entry in ZOTERO.

I would like to modify the style in ordre to avoid cross-referencing for the 'STATUTE'. Indeed, I used it to refer to UN Documents and other treaties and generally we do not refer to the first mention of them in subsequent references.

Currently, the footnotes look like:

1. Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States, annexed to the UNGA Res 29/3281 (12 December 1974) UN Doc A/RES/29/3281.
3. UNGA Res 29/3281 (n 1).

I would like my subsequent footnote to look like 'UNGA Res 29/3281' without the reference to the first note. How can I do it?

I know that the subsequent references are dealt with between like 586 and 613:

<else-if position="subsequent">
<if type="legal_case bill legislation manuscript" match="any">
<!--don't use short form and above note for legal citations -->
<group delimiter=" ">
<text macro="author-note"/>
<text macro="title-short"/>
<text macro="looseleaf-note"/>
<text variable="first-reference-note-number" prefix="(n " suffix=")"/>
<text macro="locator-space"/>
<group delimiter=" ">
<group delimiter=", ">
<text macro="author-short"/>
<if disambiguate="true">
<text macro="title-short"/>
<text variable="first-reference-note-number" prefix="(n " suffix=")"/>
<text variable="locator"/>

The STATUTEs are currently, if I am not mistaken, dealt with the second part: <else></else>. How could I create a specific option for STATUTE excluding it from the cross-referencing ans simply using the short form of the title (nothing else)?

I know about JURIS-M and used it in the past, however, when they switched from MLZ to JURIS-M I did the update and it messed-up with my reference and JURIS-M/WORD were crashing all the time (I dont know which one was affecting the other) and was really really slow each time I was editing a footnote. It is however a great project and I will come back to it sooner or later, I cannot just afford loosing too much time now as I am finishing my doctoral dissertation and I am worry to loose my work or to have the same bug.

Thank you very much in advance,
Have a nice evening.

  • no, statute in Zotero is legislation, so it's dealt with under "if" -- if you just want to except statutes, delete legislation in that line, then add
    <else-if type="legislation>
    <group delimiter=" ">
    <text macro="author-note"/>
    <text macro="title-short"/>
    <text macro="looseleaf-note"/>
    <text macro="locator-space"/>

    between </if> and <else>
  • Dear Adam,

    That's great! It works perfectly and now I understand better actually. I am French and my Zotero is in French, and I had some trouble to find which field entry was corresponding to what between french and english.

    Thank you very much.

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