Syncing Styles

I work on multiple computers with Zotero and just came across a problem. When I went to add a citation, Zotero asked which style I wanted even though this document had citations and I had already selected a style and used on a different computer.

I found thread from 2009 on syncing styles that had no conclusions and I cant find anything in the documentation.

Question: Can Zotero sync styles across my computers? If not can I suggest some documentation (or can someone point me?) on how to address this problem?

  • You can't reasonably sync styles at this time. If you really wanted to, you could use some 3rd party sync tool to sync just the styles folder in the Zotero data directory, but that's a bit messy to set up and we're certainly not going to document that since it's too close to syncing the entire data folder via a 3rd party tool which is a very bad idea.

    The way to address this problem is to just install the style you want to use on all computers you're writing on -- not sure if that's something that'd be helpful to document, though, since it seems fairly obvious?
  • Seems obvious to me now :) In my humble opinion clarifying this in documentations/FAQ would be helpful.
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