Zotero locks up on adding PDFs (all computers) ID: 277767204

I'm using Zotero updated to the most current versions on a Windows 10 PC, iMac, and MacBook Air. Adding a PDF to the library renders Zotero "non responsive" for up to several minutes or crashes. I see the same behavior on each machine so I'm thinking it may be related to my library, which is synced using the paid Zotero storage option.
  • how large is your libary? Do you have changed any of the default settings in the search pane of the Zotero preferences (concerning indexing, in particular)
  • ~ 1700 items. I have not made any modifications to the default settings. Interestingly this is the read out of indexing statistics:

    Indexed 1652
    Partial 6
    Unindexed 942

    I'm not sure if that helps.

    Maybe I need to rebuild the index? I'm not sure if the index is local or synced.

  • hold off on re-indexing.
    See if your database passes the integrity check in the advanced tab of the preferences.

    @Dan -- anything in the report ID?
  • No, and 1700 items isn't a lot. scottej1980, how many words in the index statistics? Could we have a Debug ID (different from a Report ID) for an add attempt that's slow?
  • Passes integrity check.

    206729 words.

    I can't reproduce the error at the moment on my MacBook Air (2-3 second response delay). I'll see if I can still reproduce the issue on my work iMac and home PC.
  • For unclear reasons the issue has resolved itself. Thanks for the assistance.
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