Order of elements within a Chicago (full note) citation

I would like to make a small change to Chicago full note, basically just changing the order that two elements appear.

I use the fields named in Zotero as 'Archive' and 'Loc. in Archive' a lot. When I add a citation with these fields the Loc. is listed first and then the archive, thus:

VF/8/2, KNA

The VF/8/2 is the location and KNA is the name of the archive. All I want to do is swap this so the archive is listed first:

KNA, VF/8/2

Ideally I would like to get rid of the comma between the items as well. If I can't swap these I'll have to manually change references in Zotero so both archive and location are in the same field.

I've tried playing around in Visual CSL Editor but had no luck. Thanks for any assistance!
  • find
    <group delimiter=", ">
    <text variable="archive_location"/>
    <text variable="archive"/>
    <text variable="archive-place"/>

    change to
    <group delimiter=", ">
    <group delimiter=" ">
    <text variable="archive"/>
    <text variable="archive_location"/>
    <text variable="archive-place"/>

    For the bibliography, do the same thing a couple of lines further down
  • Works perfectly! Thank you, Adam!
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